FTP (short for File Transfer Protocol), represents the most famous way to transmit web files to a hosting account. Using an FTP client application that’s pre-installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can set up a connection to your hosting server and copy all of the files that you need with several clicks of the mouse. You can do this using a simple-to-navigate GUI and it is as easy as dragging & dropping the files in question. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is that you can create different FTP accounts, each with a different level of access to your online storage space, so if you would like to provide someone with access, for example – a designer, they will be able to connect only to one specific directory and will not be able to view the remaining content or any other info, including private details. Three things are obligatory to be able to connect via FTP – a hostname, which is normally a domain or an IP address, a username and a password.
FTP Accounts in Cloud Hosting
Each of the cloud hosting packages that we’re offering will enable you to create unlimited FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to manage the content of your sites separately or to grant other persons access to any site in your web hosting account. If you’ve got a web design software app installed on your computer, you’ll be able to maintain multiple websites at the same time and to keep them updated without efforts. In case you give the login info to some other person to perform a certain task, you’ll be able to change the password for that FTP account or to remove it altogether with only a couple of mouse clicks and prevent any chance of unsolicited access to your website content in the future. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you set up will be shown alphabetically in the corresponding section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are exceptionally powerful, which makes them ideal for hosting numerous websites. Speaking of which, we have chosen not to put a limitation on the number of FTP accounts that you can set up, so you can have a different account for each site that you host on our semi-dedicated servers. All FTP accounts will be listed alphabetically in the corresponding section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with each semi-dedicated account. For each of them, you will be able to check the access path and to update it, if necessary. Also, you can set up a new account in an FTP client by downloading an auto-config file and running it on your computer, which will save you time. In case you have never had a hosting account before, you can check out our detailed instructional video clips, which are available in the exact same section of the Control Panel.